Conferences 2011
Conference, exhibition, company event, business event |Medical, academic, scientific, tourism | North, South, Center | A boutique conference, a multi - participant event | Invited guests, broad audiences |ORTRA's event calendar has it all. But what does it mean? After all, the world of events is vast and endless. We invite you to join us and have your conference added to our calendar and together we will break new boundaries, connect people and organize wonderful events
Displaying events from
IMTM 2011 – 17th International Mediterranean Tourism Market
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Tel Aviv
The 50th Anniversary of the Israel Bar Association
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The 5th Research Conference for Industrial Engineering & Management
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The Dead Sea
The 4th National Conference on Gifted Students & Excellence in the Educational System
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The 8th International Conference of Crisis Management in the 21st Century
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Tel Aviv
The 15th National Conference for Occupational Safety and Health
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Tel Aviv
The 11th Annual Conference of the Israel Bar Association & ABA Int`l Conference
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The Sixth Computational Motor Control Workshop
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Beer Sheva & Ein Gedi
The 7th National Conference on the Developmentally Disabled
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Tel Aviv
The 27th Biennial Conference of Israel Surgical Associaton
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The Int`l IEEE Conference on Microwaves, Communications, Antennas & Electronic Systems
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Tel Aviv
The 7th National Conference of The Israeli Society of Civil, Structural & Infrastructure Engineers
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Tel Aviv
Where Else – Israel Tourism Convention (Go Israel)
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Tel Aviv
The 2nd Meeting of the Israeli Society of Dermato-Mycological & Nail Disorders
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