Conferences 2014
Conference, exhibition, company event, business event |Medical, academic, scientific, tourism | North, South, Center | A boutique conference, a multi - participant event | Invited guests, broad audiences |ORTRA's event calendar has it all. But what does it mean? After all, the world of events is vast and endless. We invite you to join us and have your conference added to our calendar and together we will break new boundaries, connect people and organize wonderful events
Displaying events from
ISPGAN – Israel Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition
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Beresheet Hotel, Ramon Hotel
International Symposium on Polyelectrolytes – ISP
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Ein Gedi Hotel
Annual Conference of The Israel Association of Travel Agencies & Consultants
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Avenue, Airport City
Annual Meeting of the Israeli Association of Gastroenterology and Liver Diseases
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Dan Hotel, Eilat
IMTM – 20th International Mediterranean Tourism Market 2014
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Trade Fairs & Convention Center, Tel-Aviv
The 16th Israel Materials Engineering Conference – IMEC16
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Technion, Haifa
12th International Dead Sea Symposium on Innovations in Cardiac Arrhythmias & Device Therapy – IDSS
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Hilton Hotel, Tel-Aviv
PUA 2014 Conference: Global Challenges in Regulating Electricity Markets
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Crowne Plaza Hotel, Jerusalem
The International Conference on Higher Education – ICHE 2014
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Dan Hotel, Tel-Aviv
18th Industrial Engineering and Management Conference: Information, Service and Integration
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Dan Panorama Hotel, Tel-Aviv
The 3rd European Zebrafish Principal Investigators Meeting – EZPM
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Ein Gedi Hotel
The 5th Israel Machine Vision Conference – IMVC 2014
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David InterContinental Hotel, Tel-Aviv
The 5th joint conference on Aids and liver
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Hadar City Tower, Ramat-Gan
Annual Conference of The Israeli Society for Pediatric Pulmonology
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Mizpe Hayamim Hotel, Zefat
Annual Conference of The Israeli Association of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology
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Hacienda Forest View Hotel
The 15 Annual Meeting of Israel Pediatric Orthopedic Society
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Ein Gedi Hotel
Annual Conference for Diversity and Multicultural – ACHVA Academic College
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ACHVA Academic College
8th International Symposium on Inherited Diseases Of the Pancreas
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Dan Hotel, Jerusalem
47th Annual Meeting of The European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (in collaboration with MCI-UK)
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ICC Jerusalem International Convention Center
Annual Conference of The Israel Association for the Study of the Liver
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Royal Beach Hotel, Eilat
The Multi-Center Conference of The Israel Foundation for Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis
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Enav Center, Tel-Aviv
Semi-annual Conference of The ISPGAN – Israel Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition
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Hadar City Tower, Ramat-Gan
Annual Symposium of the Association of Psychiatry – Southern Branch
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Ein Gedi Hotel
Semi-annual Conference of The Israel Association for the Study of the Liver
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Dan Panorama Hotel, Tel-Aviv
17th International Conference of The Israel Institute for Occupational Safety and Hygiene (IIOSH): Safety & Health at Work – A Life Cycle Approach
International event- C
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Avenue, Airport City
Library Managers Conference – Union of Local Authorities in Israel
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Dan Panorama Hotel, Tel-Aviv
MAR – SAT Expert Forum Workshop – MEKOROT
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All Country
8th Conference of The Israeli Organization of Consulting Engineers & Architects
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Trask, Tel-Aviv
Annual Conference of The Israel Association of Pediatric Neurology & Development
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Ein Gedi Hotel
Israel Securities Authority – Corporations Conference 2014
Local event- C
Avenue, Airport City